
XML Marker 2.2


XML Marker is a lightweight and user-friendly XML editor and viewer for Windows, designed to simplify the creation and navigation of XML documents. It is developed by Symbol Click. XML Marker provides a range of features tailored to developers and users who work with XML files, enabling them to edit, validate, and visualize XML data efficiently.

Key Features:

  1. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Tree View and Text View: Offers a dual-pane interface with a tree view for hierarchical navigation and a text view for editing XML content.
    • Color-Coded Syntax Highlighting: Highlights XML syntax with different colors for elements, attributes, comments, and text, improving readability.
  2. XML Editing and Validation:

    • Intuitive Editing: Provides features such as cut, copy, paste, find, replace, and undo/redo operations for easy XML document manipulation.
    • Validation: Validates XML documents against DTD (Document Type Definition) or XSD (XML Schema Definition) files to ensure compliance with specified rules.
  3. Visualization and Navigation:

    • Tree Navigation: Allows users to expand and collapse XML nodes in the tree view to navigate through large XML documents quickly.
    • Search and Filter: Supports searching for specific elements, attributes, or text within the document, with options to filter results.
  4. View and Export Data:

    • Grid View: Displays XML data in a tabular format for easier viewing and editing of structured data.
    • Export to Various Formats: Allows exporting XML data to plain text, CSV, HTML, and Excel formats.
  5. XPath Query and Evaluation:

    • XPath Support: Provides an XPath query tool for selecting specific elements or attributes within the XML document.
    • Evaluation: Evaluates XPath expressions to locate and manipulate XML data.
  6. Additional Features:

    • Bookmarks and Favorites: Allows users to bookmark frequently accessed XML nodes and save them as favorites for quick access.
    • Auto-Completion: Provides auto-completion suggestions for element names and attribute values based on the document's structure.
  7. Integration and Customization:

    • Integration with External Tools: Supports integration with external XML tools and applications through custom scripts and plugins.
    • Customization: Offers customization options for fonts, colors, and preferences to personalize the user interface.
  8. Performance and Portability:

    • Lightweight: Consumes minimal system resources, ensuring fast startup times and responsive performance.
    • Portable Version: Provides a portable version that can be run from a USB drive without installation, making it convenient for use on different computers.

Usage Scenarios:

  • XML Document Editing: Suitable for developers and users who need to edit, validate, and visualize XML files, including complex structured data.
  • Data Analysis: Useful for data analysts and researchers who work with XML data and need tools for efficient data extraction and manipulation.
  • Testing and Debugging: Ideal for software testers and developers to test and debug XML-based applications and APIs.


  • Freeware: XML Marker is available as freeware, allowing users to download and use it at no cost.


XML Marker is a versatile and lightweight XML editor and viewer for Windows, designed to simplify the creation, editing, validation, and visualization of XML documents. With its dual-pane interface, syntax highlighting, validation tools, XPath support, and export capabilities, XML Marker caters to developers and users who work with XML files regularly. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set make it a valuable tool for editing and managing XML data efficiently, whether for web development, data integration, or software testing purposes.



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