


TopStyle is a sophisticated CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) editor designed for web developers and designers. It provides advanced tools and features to create and manage CSS stylesheets efficiently. Here’s a comprehensive description of its features and functionalities:

Key Features:

  1. Advanced CSS Editing:

    • Syntax Highlighting: Offers syntax highlighting for CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, making it easier to read and write code.
    • Auto-Complete: Provides code auto-completion for CSS properties and values, speeding up the coding process and reducing errors.
    • Code Validation: Includes built-in validation to check for CSS errors and compatibility issues across different browsers.
  2. HTML and XHTML Support:

    • Integrated HTML Editor: Allows users to edit HTML and XHTML documents alongside their CSS, providing a seamless workflow for web development.
    • Tag Insight: Offers tag insight and auto-completion for HTML and XHTML, ensuring correct syntax and structure.
  3. Real-Time Preview:

    • Integrated Browser Preview: Provides a real-time preview of the web page within the editor, allowing users to see the effects of their CSS changes immediately.
    • Multiple Browser Views: Supports viewing and testing web pages in different browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility.
  4. CSS Framework Support:

    • Support for CSS3: Fully supports CSS3 properties and selectors, enabling the use of the latest design features and techniques.
    • Responsive Design Tools: Includes tools for creating responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  5. Style Inspector:

    • Property Inspector: Allows users to inspect and edit the properties of selected elements visually, without needing to write code manually.
    • CSS Hierarchy: Displays the hierarchy of styles applied to an element, helping users understand and manage CSS inheritance and specificity.
  6. Project Management:

    • Site Management: Provides tools for managing entire websites, including organizing files and folders and linking stylesheets to HTML documents.
    • Template Support: Supports the use of templates for consistent design across multiple pages and projects.
  7. Customization and Extensibility:

    • Customizable Interface: Offers a customizable interface, allowing users to adjust the layout and tools to suit their workflow.
    • Plug-in Support: Supports third-party plug-ins and extensions, enabling users to add new features and functionality.
  8. Additional Tools:

    • Color Picker: Includes a color picker tool for selecting and applying colors accurately.
    • Font Manager: Provides a font manager for previewing and selecting fonts, ensuring consistent typography across web pages.
  9. FTP/SFTP Support:

    • Built-in FTP/SFTP Client: Allows users to upload and download files directly to and from their web server, streamlining the deployment process.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Web Design and Development: Ideal for web designers and developers who need a robust tool for creating and managing CSS stylesheets and HTML documents.
  • Responsive Design: Useful for developers focusing on responsive design, ensuring their websites look good on various devices and screen sizes.
  • Cross-Browser Testing: Essential for ensuring web pages are compatible with different browsers, providing a consistent user experience.


TopStyle is a comprehensive and powerful CSS editor that caters to the needs of web developers and designers. With its advanced editing features, real-time preview, and extensive support for modern web standards like CSS3, it streamlines the process of creating and managing web stylesheets. The integration of HTML editing, responsive design tools, and project management capabilities make TopStyle a valuable asset for any web development project. Its customizable interface and support for third-party extensions further enhance its flexibility and functionality, making it a preferred choice for professionals in the field of web design and development.



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