
TextCrawler 3.0.3


TextCrawler is a versatile text processing application designed to search, replace, and manipulate text across multiple files. It is especially useful for programmers, writers, and anyone dealing with large amounts of text data. Here’s an in-depth look at its features and functionalities:

Key Features:

  1. Powerful Search and Replace:

    • Search Across Multiple Files: Allows users to search for specific text within multiple files and folders simultaneously.
    • Regular Expressions (Regex): Supports the use of regular expressions, enabling complex search and replace operations.
    • Case Sensitivity and Whole Word Options: Provides options for case-sensitive searches and matching whole words only.
  2. Batch Processing:

    • Batch Replace: Enables replacing text across multiple files in one operation, saving time and effort.
    • Batch Renaming: Supports renaming files based on search and replace criteria.
  3. Text Extraction and Manipulation:

    • Extract Matches: Allows extraction of text that matches specific patterns, useful for data mining and analysis.
    • Text Transformations: Provides tools for transforming text, such as changing case, trimming spaces, and more.
  4. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Tabbed Interface: Features a tabbed interface for managing multiple search and replace operations simultaneously.
    • Preview and Confirmation: Offers a preview of changes before applying them, ensuring accuracy and control over modifications.
  5. File Filtering and Exclusion:

    • Include and Exclude Filters: Users can specify which files or folders to include or exclude from search operations based on name patterns or extensions.
    • File Size Limits: Options to limit searches to files within a certain size range.
  6. Comprehensive Reports:

    • Detailed Reports: Generates detailed reports of search and replace operations, including the number of matches and changes made.
    • Exportable Logs: Allows exporting logs and results for documentation and further analysis.
  7. Support for Various File Formats:

    • Text and Code Files: Works with a wide range of file formats, including plain text files, source code files, and more.
    • Unicode Support: Supports Unicode, allowing for the processing of files containing a variety of character sets.
  8. Integration and Automation:

    • Command Line Support: Offers command line options for integrating TextCrawler into scripts and automated workflows.
    • Scriptable Operations: Allows the use of scripting for more complex and automated text processing tasks.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Programming and Development: Ideal for refactoring code, updating variables, and making bulk changes to source code files.
  • Data Processing: Useful for extracting and manipulating data from logs, reports, and large text datasets.
  • Content Editing: Helps writers and editors perform mass edits, such as correcting typos, updating terminology, and formatting text.


TextCrawler is a robust and flexible tool for anyone needing to perform advanced search and replace operations across multiple files. Its support for regular expressions, batch processing, and various file formats makes it a powerful utility for developers, data analysts, and content creators. The user-friendly interface, combined with features like previewing changes and generating detailed reports, ensures that users can manage and execute complex text manipulation tasks with confidence and efficiency. Whether for coding, data extraction, or bulk text editing, TextCrawler offers a comprehensive solution to streamline text processing workflows.



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