


MetroTwit was a desktop Twitter client for Windows designed to provide users with an enhanced and customizable Twitter experience. It featured a sleek, modern interface inspired by Microsoft’s Metro design language, offering various functionalities to make Twitter usage more efficient and enjoyable. Here’s a detailed description of its features and functionalities:

Key Features:

  1. User Interface:

    • Metro Design: Utilized Microsoft’s Metro design language, providing a clean, visually appealing, and user-friendly interface.
    • Customizable Layout: Allowed users to customize the layout to fit their preferences, including resizing columns and rearranging elements.
  2. Real-Time Updates:

    • Live Stream: Provided real-time streaming of tweets, ensuring users could see updates as they happened without needing to refresh.
    • Notification Alerts: Supported desktop notifications for new tweets, mentions, direct messages, and other interactions.
  3. Multiple Columns:

    • Column View: Enabled users to create multiple columns to organize their Twitter feed, including separate columns for mentions, direct messages, lists, and specific hashtags.
    • Scrolling Columns: Allowed independent scrolling of each column, making it easier to manage and view different streams of information simultaneously.
  4. Search and Filtering:

    • Advanced Search: Included advanced search functionality to find tweets, users, and trends quickly.
    • Filters: Allowed users to filter out specific content, such as tweets containing certain keywords or from particular users.
  5. Tweet Management:

    • Tweet Composer: Provided an easy-to-use tweet composer with support for adding images, links, and hashtags.
    • Scheduled Tweets: Offered the ability to schedule tweets to be posted at a later time.
    • Drafts: Allowed saving drafts for tweets to be completed and posted later.
  6. Account Management:

    • Multiple Accounts: Supported managing multiple Twitter accounts simultaneously, making it easy for users to switch between accounts.
    • Unified Timeline: Offered the option to view a unified timeline that combined tweets from all linked accounts.
  7. Customization Options:

    • Themes: Provided different themes, including light and dark modes, to suit user preferences.
    • Font and Color Settings: Allowed customization of font sizes and colors for better readability and personal preference.
  8. Keyboard Shortcuts:

    • Efficiency: Included keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation and action, enhancing productivity and ease of use.
  9. Integration and Sharing:

    • URL Shortening: Integrated URL shortening services to make links more manageable in tweets.
    • Image Uploading: Supported uploading images directly from the application.
  10. Technical Support and Updates:

    • Regular Updates: Received regular updates to improve functionality, add new features, and fix bugs.
    • Help and Support: Provided help articles and support options for troubleshooting and user assistance.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Power Users: Ideal for users who need to manage multiple Twitter accounts or follow several streams of information simultaneously.
  • Social Media Managers: Useful for professionals managing brand accounts, monitoring hashtags, and scheduling tweets.
  • Casual Users: Suitable for regular Twitter users looking for a more customizable and efficient desktop client.


  • Free and Paid Versions: MetroTwit was available as both a free version with basic features and a paid version with additional features and customization options.


MetroTwit was discontinued in 2014 due to changes in Twitter’s API policies and limitations that affected third-party clients. Despite its discontinuation, MetroTwit was fondly remembered for its design and functionality.


MetroTwit was a sophisticated and customizable Twitter client for Windows, offering a visually appealing and efficient way to manage Twitter accounts. Its support for multiple columns, real-time updates, advanced search, and filtering, as well as customization options, made it a favorite among power users and social media managers. Although it has been discontinued, MetroTwit’s legacy lives on as a well-designed and user-centric application that enhanced the Twitter experience on the desktop.



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