
EditBone (64bit) 12.0.1


EditBone is a versatile and powerful text editor designed primarily for programmers and web developers. It offers an extensive range of features to facilitate coding, text editing, and file management. Here’s a detailed description of its features and functionalities:

Key Features:

  1. Advanced Text Editing:

    • Syntax Highlighting: Supports syntax highlighting for over 50 programming languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, C++, and more.
    • Line Numbering: Displays line numbers, which helps in navigating and debugging code efficiently.
    • Code Folding: Allows users to collapse and expand sections of code, making it easier to manage large files.
  2. Powerful Search and Replace:

    • Regular Expressions: Supports regular expressions for advanced search and replace operations.
    • Search in Files: Enables searching and replacing text across multiple files and directories simultaneously.
  3. Multi-Document Interface:

    • Tabbed Interface: Allows users to work on multiple documents at the same time through a tabbed interface, improving workflow efficiency.
    • Split View: Offers split view functionality, enabling side-by-side comparison and editing of files.
  4. Customization and Extensibility:

    • Customizable Interface: Provides options to customize the layout, themes, fonts, and colors to suit user preferences.
    • Macros and Scripts: Supports the creation and execution of macros and scripts to automate repetitive tasks.
  5. File Management:

    • Directory Explorer: Includes a built-in directory explorer for easy navigation and management of project files.
    • File Operations: Facilitates basic file operations such as renaming, deleting, and moving files directly within the editor.
  6. Advanced Coding Features:

    • Auto-Completion: Offers code auto-completion for faster coding and reduced errors.
    • Bracket Matching: Highlights matching brackets and parentheses to help ensure code structure integrity.
    • Code Snippets: Supports the use of code snippets for quick insertion of commonly used code blocks.
  7. Data Handling:

    • Hex Editor: Includes a hex editor mode for viewing and editing binary files.
    • CSV Editor: Provides functionality to open, edit, and save CSV files, making it useful for handling tabular data.
  8. Language Support:

    • Multiple Language Support: Available in multiple languages, making it accessible to a global user base.
  9. Portability:

    • Portable Version: Offers a portable version that can be run from USB drives without installation, providing flexibility for on-the-go use.
  10. Integration and Export:

    • Version Control Integration: Supports integration with version control systems like Git, allowing for efficient project management.
    • Export Options: Allows exporting documents to various formats, including HTML and PDF.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Software Development: Ideal for software developers who need a powerful yet flexible text editor for writing and debugging code.
  • Web Development: Useful for web developers working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies.
  • Data Analysis: Handy for data analysts and engineers who need to manipulate and analyze text and CSV files.
  • General Text Editing: Suitable for anyone requiring a robust text editor for writing, editing, and managing text documents.


EditBone is a feature-rich text editor tailored for programmers and web developers. With its extensive language support, powerful search and replace capabilities, and advanced coding features like syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and code folding, it enhances productivity and simplifies complex editing tasks. The customizable interface, macro support, and portability make EditBone a flexible and convenient tool for a wide range of text editing needs. Whether you're coding, managing projects, or analyzing data, EditBone provides the tools and functionality to meet your requirements effectively.



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