
Abyss Web Server


Abyss Web Server is a compact and easy-to-use web server software for Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. It is developed by Aprelium and is designed to be lightweight yet powerful, making it suitable for hosting websites on personal computers, local networks, or small-scale production environments. Here’s a detailed description of its features and functionalities:

Key Features:

  1. Easy Installation and Configuration:

    • Quick Setup: Provides a straightforward installation process with minimal configuration required to get the server up and running.
    • Configuration Panel: Includes a web-based administration interface (Abyss Web Server Console) for managing server settings and monitoring server activity.
  2. Web Server Functionality:

    • HTTP/1.1 and HTTPS Support: Supports HTTP and HTTPS protocols for secure communication over the web.
    • Virtual Hosting: Allows hosting multiple websites/domains on a single server, with support for domain-based and IP-based virtual hosting.
    • IP Address Control: Provides tools for restricting access to the server based on IP addresses and network ranges.
  3. Performance and Scalability:

    • Lightweight: Abyss Web Server is designed to be lightweight and consume minimal system resources, making it suitable for low-powered devices and environments.
    • FastCGI and CGI Support: Supports FastCGI and CGI for executing dynamic scripts and applications, enhancing server performance.
  4. Security Features:

    • SSL/TLS Support: Includes built-in SSL/TLS support for secure communication (HTTPS).
    • Access Control: Provides options for configuring access control rules, password protection, and SSL client certificate authentication.
    • Anti-leeching: Supports anti-leeching rules to prevent unauthorized access and bandwidth theft.
  5. Advanced Features:

    • URL Rewriting and Redirects: Allows configuration of URL rewriting rules and redirects using regular expressions.
    • Custom Error Pages: Enables customization of error pages (e.g., 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error) for better user experience.
    • Server-side Includes (SSI): Supports SSI for dynamic content generation within HTML pages.
  6. Monitoring and Logging:

    • Server Monitoring: Provides real-time monitoring of server status, connections, and bandwidth usage through the administration interface.
    • Access Logs: Logs access to the server, including client IP addresses, request types, response codes, and timestamps.
  7. Extensibility:

    • CGI and FastCGI: Supports Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and FastCGI for running scripts and applications written in different programming languages.
    • Server-Side Scripting: Enables server-side scripting with support for PHP, Perl, Python, and other scripting languages.
  8. Support and Documentation:

    • User Guide and Documentation: Offers comprehensive user documentation and guides for setting up and configuring the server.
    • Technical Support: Provides support via forums, knowledge base articles, and direct contact options for registered users.
  9. Cross-Platform Compatibility:

    • Abyss Web Server is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and various Linux distributions, ensuring flexibility and ease of deployment.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Local Development Environment: Ideal for developers and designers to test websites and web applications locally before deployment.
  • Small-scale Production Server: Suitable for hosting personal websites, blogs, and small web applications on a local network or the internet.
  • Educational and Learning Purposes: Useful for learning about web servers, HTTP protocols, and web technologies.


  • Abyss Web Server is available in both free and paid versions. The free version (Abyss Web Server X1) has limitations on concurrent connections and features compared to the paid versions (Abyss Web Server X2 and X4).


Abyss Web Server is a lightweight, easy-to-use web server software designed for hosting websites and web applications on personal computers and small networks. With its simple setup, intuitive administration interface, support for multiple platforms, and essential web server features, Abyss Web Server is an excellent choice for users looking for a reliable and efficient solution for web hosting needs. It offers security features, performance optimizations, and extensibility options to cater to both basic and advanced web hosting requirements.



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